Strike 3 (part 3)

“I Guess you want to go show off your bike to your friends.” Not exactly, dickhead. But I smiled and rode off. But instead of the playground, I went to the deserted elementary school I had just left a few days ago. There, I sat down and cried like never before. Real body-shaking, dripping tears,… Continue reading Strike 3 (part 3)

Strike 3 (Part 2)

We could build cell on cell/Mainline him straight to hell/But that would not dispel violent men, hardheaded women/Unloved Children Act 2 takes place here (Wolvertons): long torn down I had to think fast. No way to change the future, I was an inmate. Must smile, be the best actor anyone ever saw. A few days… Continue reading Strike 3 (Part 2)

The Hardy Boys

I can hear you now: ‘WTF is this boomer talking about??” Fiction was king in the 60’s. No, I’m not talking about fictional tabloid stories about the English monarchy or Hollywood actresses. I mean books. JFK even endorsed Ian Fleming’s Bond novels. There have always been English crime novels, led of course by the prolific… Continue reading The Hardy Boys

No Bumper Stickers (poor us)

Oh, how embarrassing….. Everywhere you look in schools today, there are banners with slogans telling kids how great they are and how they are welcomed. Not in the sixties–no banners, no nothing. The teacher welcomed you first day and that was it. You had low self-esteem, deal with it. A school’s job is not to… Continue reading No Bumper Stickers (poor us)


A Boy and his Music Going into fifth grade, I sat through a presentation by the elementary school band ‘guy’ (not to be confused with the music teacher, the snotty pathetic weasel of several prior posts). I decided to take up the trumpet. Almost immediately, I was enrolled in private lessons 15 minutes away. My… Continue reading Band