Steve brings the music

A signpost ahead: You are entering the pre-teen twilight zone. My world was surrounded by music. At home, my radio played the local AM rock station (WRAW) and the center of my gravity, WFIL in Philadelphia. I still can tell you the names of the weekend dances in Philadelphia/South Jersey. When mom went to the… Continue reading Steve brings the music


Not the ending I wrote in the book of my life. Senior Year, we shared a Chemistry lab table. I was very surprised when she chose to sit in front of me first day; guess she didn’t know anyone else– we were barely nodding acquaintances. Over that year, we became semi-friends; somehow, I was allowed… Continue reading ‘Veronica’–Epilogue

Part Two: Veronica

In all my juvenile thoughts and future aspirations, never did I dream I would write the next 2 posts. ‘Veronica’ parachuted into 7th grade like a floral garden ablaze. Long brown hair (that didn’t move), perfect legs, a smile that would make a dentist swoon. Huge brown eyes and a flawless complexion. What really set… Continue reading Part Two: Veronica

Betty and Veronica (Part One)

Our Dynamic Duo Every guy in 7th grade pretty much agreed that two girls were top of charts. Both could not be more different–a lava explosion vs a tornado. Hence, their names here-Betty and Veronica. I’ll start with Betty She came from poor town, and her clothes showed it. Not hand me downs, but incredibly… Continue reading Betty and Veronica (Part One)

The Teachers

If this was poker, you’d throw your cards in! So, this is the first time you have more than 1 teacher. Talk about re-aligning your consciousness. No more teacher as semi-friend, guardian of your future (yawn). Now, every day you have multiple personalities/different shades of phobias. I couldn’t remember all these names! Hell, it was… Continue reading The Teachers