Now what?

So there I stood, accepting my first kiss with a deadpan “ohhhhhh shiiittt….” She giggled softly and I opened my eyes; she was inches away. Then it flashed through my thick head–“Do it, dummy!” So I kissed her. My arm arched to her back, pulling her close. Then tyears of pain and abuse collapsed and… Continue reading Now what?

A trip to the Moon

Please indulge me as I add my words to age-old explorations of first-love. Those lips: so soft, unlike anything I could ever imagine. Feathers, butterfly wings. Her hair sends me to a spring garden of roses, magnolia, and jasmine. My body discarded a chrysalis, as if my pores glowed–airborne on a summer breeze, the world… Continue reading A trip to the Moon

Into the Mystic

Deep breath, move forward, boy. I enter the vestibule, a blinding bulb burns 24/7. The next door is the back of the auditorium. It is almost completely black, swallowing your senses. One of the two-story drapes is slightly open, shooting a slice of sun to the front. On the right stands Alison, leaning against the… Continue reading Into the Mystic

The day Things changed

Did you hear that??? The earth moved! One November Tuesday, I arrive in study hall. The teacher throws a pad of signed library passes on his desk for whoever wants one; he could care less. He’s already hard at work, head down. Alison stands after a minute or two to get a pass. I swoon;… Continue reading The day Things changed


A new one on me. So the kid explains…… “FF” for Forbidden Fruit. She’s look, but don’t touch.” He smiles. “And no talking about her T.” “She’s wacky?” “Shit, no–the brother is. This past summer, at the pool, she walks by in her bathing suit and some kid in high school, turns to his friend… Continue reading “FF” WTF?


My ‘It’ girl. Alison ‘Buttkicker’ had long brown hair swept down her back, no bangs. She was tall, like her brother, her legs were sheer perfection. Not a beauty, but pretty in her own way. She kept her head down, but occasionally you saw iridescent green eyes. I found later she was almost a year… Continue reading Alison

Junior High School Band

We’re on our way! Three days a week, last period of the day was band class. The band room and practice areas were always open. The Foon was a big band fan–his son was some big wheel in Michigan State’s marching band, to him, this was akin to having a son in the Vatican. Chorus,… Continue reading Junior High School Band

Music Memories 3

It is autumn, more less. Trees are mostly bare, darkness falls, bruising and binding me after the joy of summer. Steve is speaking as he lowers the shades. “Some assholes I knew said the Byrds were irrelevant after Turn Turn Turn. Just electric folkies. I knew they were wrong. They released a single that set… Continue reading Music Memories 3

So, what have we learned?

Cotillion was a study in an upside-down Fellini movie. Let us de-brief: I guess the biggest thing was a sense of ‘that wasn’t so bad.” Us white-blooded males soberly realized we had changed. The touch of a girl’s hand, the feel of her soft dress, the way she moved with you in sync (granted, in… Continue reading So, what have we learned?

Cotillion Mary

“Ladies, I’m seeing many of you don’t feel the need to talk to your partner. It is your responsibility to initiate conversations with the gentleman who has chosen you as a partner. And gentlemen, this does not leave you off the hook. Talk about school, teachers, the weather, your friends. And you know, it wouldn’t… Continue reading Cotillion Mary