Losers sit down…. Well, it didn’t take long for a rich girl to have a little soiree at her house for a select group of wonderful folks in her social strata. They’ll probably play—hold your breath, folks–Spin the Bottle! GASP! Of course, Allie and I weren’t invited, but news of the party traveled around school… Continue reading My Girl don’t take no BS
Time To go…
Doug and me…….the two coolest guys on earth. Ha! Allie and I are cuddling on the couch, watching a movie. From downstairs. a door opens. “Okay, up there. Get your clothes on! Time to go!” Allie smiles, shaking her head. Downstairs, we embrace, holding hands. She kisses me gently in front of Doug. He is… Continue reading Time To go…
Allie’s House/The Dance
While most houses on the block are joined, hers stands alone. It’s a bit bigger than mine. I spy a small upstairs balcony. We walk in the bottom floor, a den and small powder room. She leads me upstairs, her legs sending lust up my spine. Their Christmas tree gleams with silver and gold lights… Continue reading Allie’s House/The Dance
Meet Doug Buttkicker, your driver
Off I go on another adventure. Allie’s directions are spot-on. I walk calmly into the chaos of an elementary school preparing to dismiss………no one gives a second glance. Little kids run past me, chattering and laughing. I was headed to a super-important ‘first date’ and was invisible. Just the way we wanted it–no nosy prying… Continue reading Meet Doug Buttkicker, your driver
My little seed sprouts…
We take you now to Steve’s music room. He plays one of his favorite bands …………this week. “You remember what I said to Allie about dancing? “That you’d do it at her house after school?” “Ummm-humm. She took the bait.” I’m bubbling. “Great!! So Doug is taking you there?” “Yea, I walk across the street… Continue reading My little seed sprouts…
Forever Changed
Bolt from the Blue A funny thing happened in seventh grade. I read The Great Gatsby. And I was never the same. All I ever read was detective and spy books. I still adored them, but this was something totally DIFFERENT. The page where Fitzgerald discusses Gatsby’s character (around page 125)…..”He knew that when he… Continue reading Forever Changed
Sometimes this newfangled internet stuff gets baffling The contact me email is still down, but I did get the email to work on individual posts on the blog. So if you have some comments or just want to say hi, please us that til I get things patched up.
Well, that didn’t take long
Latest news from the girls’ room After some brief kissing in the back, Allie has a news flash. “Some girls were smoking cigs in the second floor girls room.” I’m intrigued. I always thought boys would be the first despicable juvenile delinquents to smoke butts. “Who?” “Some local girls. One’s named Roxanne, the other’s Carolann.… Continue reading Well, that didn’t take long
It’s a new world………. On a kissing break, Allie says: “My aunt is taking me out to get some sexy boots tomorrow” So, how the hell do I , a mere seventh grader, respond to that? “Sounds good.” As usual, Veronica broke the ice. In sixth grade, girls either wore rubber snow boats or flat… Continue reading Boots
All She Wants to do is Dance
Just not for me, as Marshall Crenshaw says… “Was the Cotillion dance this past weekend?” [Judging from her earlier remark about Lynne, she obviously knew I went.] “Yep.” Give no more info than what is needed. “Tell me about it.” Ah, shit. I give her a five minute synopsis about the boredom, the punch, the… Continue reading All She Wants to do is Dance