More ‘rules’

As we’re gathering up our stuff, Allie starts chattering.

“If you see me dressed in pants and flats, that means I’m not feeling very sexy or sociable. And we can’t do this Wednesdays, Mrs. Geibach is a bitch.”

“Oh yea, agree with that.”

“I’ll go first when I sit in front of you. The rest of the time, you go first. You know my clarinet case? No? It has that Esso sticker on it. If I put it near the side of the stage, that means look inside.”

“No hidden snakes?”

I get a raised eyebrow. “No. Just a note. Make sure no one sees you. I always lay my case with the sticker up. If you have a message, put it in and turn the case upside down.”

I stop. Something pops in my head. “Allie?”


“How did you know about the couch?”

“Doug. He took girls there.”

Hmmmm. Doug really is cool. “Never got caught?”

“Nope. They’re oblivious. Morons.”

“Are you gonna tell Doug about…………me?”

“Why not? You’re a nice boy. I won’t give him play by play, though. That’s my business. And he won’t tell a soul. I’ll kill him personally.”

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