in which our hero actually says the right thing……..
I follow up about the teacher who didn’t recognize her. “Did you change a lot since fifth grade? Is your hair different?”
She pauses, a sigh. Something (or someone) buried is rising. “Yea, I guess….” Hands in lap, she watches them. “I had braces. Really bad braces, sometimes I wore the pull around the back of my head. My hair was shorter. And of course, I didn’t need a bra back then.”
[Note: I had no idea what she was talking about, braces were a rarity in my berg. Mom filled me in later. For now,I nodded convincingly; Oh yes, I know what you mean. NOT]
“I got teased really bad by some boys…..and some girls. Metal mouth. Frumpy. They came off once sixth grade started and I let my hair grow. My aunt took me out with mom and bought me some nice clothes and my first low heels. And my bra.”
Didn’t take long to outgrow THAT, the pervert on my shoulder whispers.
“Douglas took it upon himself to tell some boys to lay off. I guess……….that was ok. I don’t think he hit any of them, but I do know one in particular really challenged him. Not a good idea. So in sixth grade, I kinda turned a page and between the clothes and Douglas, boys started to look at me different. And 2 of the meaner girls left for Catholic school.” [Oh yea, different girl for sure. Maybe a touch of this song in there…]
She grabs the purse, fishes out a Kleenex, dabs her eyes daintily. “I’m sorry, I’m gonna smear my makeup now. Don’t know why it bothers me. Now I must look so ugly with these smears.”
“Prettiest ugly girl I’ve ever seen.”
Let’s just stop here and say she liked that remark very much.