Total Time Transfer: Late 1910’s

The Great Escape In the 1860’s/1870’s, Irish immigrants flooded the US. Many found work in the Pennsylvania anthracite mines. The Irish were considered the lowest form of humanity–drunks and ruffians who indiscriminately had babies that they couldn’t support. From this discrimination/humiliation came The Molly Maguires, a combination of a trade union and a terrorist group.… Continue reading Total Time Transfer: Late 1910’s

Television: My Best Friend

From that moment ’till the spot disappearsMan, I could be anywhere Not only were these the days before remotes, these were days before color. Your TV took a minute to warm up (forever to a 4-year old, let me tell you) and you changed channels manually. Switching it off shrank the picture to a small… Continue reading Television: My Best Friend

Long days with Mom

The dream-child moving through a land of wonders wild and new–Lewis Carroll I’ve been told that my generation was the last one who never saw the inside of a daycare. The word ‘daycare’ did not exist. Women stayed home or found someone to watch a small child. My father once told me that it was… Continue reading Long days with Mom

Friends together watch their childhood fly

Thrown together……. Because my parents had formed a little clique with 3 other couples, my first friend was the only one near my age–the Bryant’s youngest daughter, Cathy, who was some months younger. There was no ‘puppy love’ here–just two kids knocking around, playing with toys or running in the field. I don’t really remember… Continue reading Friends together watch their childhood fly

Total Time Transfer: 1930’s

First of a few diversions from the 60’s to other times…. My maternal Grandmother was the only grandparent in my life. While I knew her only as a bottomless fount of unconditional love, she was quite a strong woman. Physically, she kept a huge garden of multiple fruits and veggies (including a large vineyard) for… Continue reading Total Time Transfer: 1930’s