Reading–I caught the bug!

“Books are a uniquely portable magic”–Stephen King Those trips to the children’s library and the cheap supermarket books paid dividends once I started school. You didn’t have tell me twice to read out loud. I don’t remember much about titles except “Cupcakes or Rocks?” and “Scat Scat Little Cat”. Supposedly, I loved a book about… Continue reading Reading–I caught the bug!

With Apologies to Al Stewart…

‘Fire and Flame to Suburbs come in the year Nineteen and Sixty-Three’ There was a mountain west of me that, at the turn of century, folks visited to ‘take the waters’ that were allegedly curative. The landscape was dominated by three huge hotels that together could house thousands at one time. All had spacious horse… Continue reading With Apologies to Al Stewart…

The Angry King at rest: 5:30-?

‘Father Knows Best’?? Ha! If Daddy didn’t talk during dinner, no one spoke. Children should be seen and not heard. A friend of mine called this male parenting ‘benign neglect.’ Hands off and hope for the best. Sometimes he’d vent about a co-worker, but usually those stories were saved until I left the table. Much… Continue reading The Angry King at rest: 5:30-?

3-5:30: A Mom and Her Music

Last call for smiles. Until 5th grade, I got picked up most of the time and mom often had an agenda. Supermarket, bank, dry cleaners, department store…………wait a minute! Department store?! Yes, the change from back country to suburb was underway! We got a large store only around 5 miles from the house, and mom… Continue reading 3-5:30: A Mom and Her Music


A Pause to reflect If anyone reading this finds that their childhood resembled the tragedy below, I am sorry. What happened to you was not your fault. I hope you find healing, as I did. I have no intention of turning my blog into a pity party. But I was seriously abused verbally by my… Continue reading Cruelty

First Grade!

Movin’ On Up! As I said, in such a tiny enclave, you knew all the teachers. Well, lemmee tell you, the first grade teacher was a force of nature………or something far darker. She looked to us like a taller version of Hagar the Horrible’s wife. All she needed was the horn helmet and a few… Continue reading First Grade!


“but all these girls have cooties!!!” And so it began. I started school half day. No more running around with mom to errands and the museum. It was like college in the respect that you were thrown into close quarters with a bunch of people you didn’t know. Except that these people you didn’t know… Continue reading Kindergarten

More Wonderful Innovations

Gotta have the best Radio took a big step forward in the 60’s. Stereo sound meant that ‘high end’ radios could be sold as must have devices for every house so you could play the music at higher volumes without signal loss or crappy AM signals. Dad bought a large radio that was about three… Continue reading More Wonderful Innovations

All those time saving Gadgets

And that Space Age design! Wow! Refrigerators in those days had a lock system that was connected to the handle. You didn’t just pull the handle–you pulled it down as well to unlock the door. But in the sixties, fridges became frost-free (old fridges were called iceboxes), which meant that the freezer no longer accumulated… Continue reading All those time saving Gadgets