
It’s a new world……….

On a kissing break, Allie says: “My aunt is taking me out to get some sexy boots tomorrow”

So, how the hell do I , a mere seventh grader, respond to that? “Sounds good.”

As usual, Veronica broke the ice. In sixth grade, girls either wore rubber snow boats or flat boots that are commonly called ‘go-go boots’ today. But Veronica shows up in these shiny brown boots with a substantial heel. Worn with skirt, of course.

Allie is adrift in impending shopping ecstasy. “I’m torn about either black or white.”

Remembering her earlier comment, I say: “You better test them out in the alley to make sure you don’t trip.”

A sigh. “Yea, just so damn cold, though. Maybe I’ll go with Doug after school and he can find me a deserted parking lot or playground so I can break them in.” An impish grin. “I’ll still be taller than you when I wear them.”

“Thanks a whole helluva lot. I don’t have much of an ego to begin with.”

Arms around my neck. “As long I can lean down to do this…………..”

PS She bought white.

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