Classroom Violence a la 60s: Teachers on Students

A bit of the old ultra-violence, my Droogs. Child-on-teacher violence? HA! In those days, teachers straightened you out and you’d sit and take it. Parents shrugged. I’m not so foolish to think that this hadn’t gone on for years all over the country. And we were just middle class nudniks, not battle-hardened kids from the… Continue reading Classroom Violence a la 60s: Teachers on Students

Lunchtime II

The Gorilla Referee So the Foon hired the retired ex cop, Mr. Brown. A short, old guy with a buzzcut built like a fireplug. He never smiled. Gradually, I realized he, too, had a jag on against rich boys and girls. His job description: break up cliques, ensure everyone found a seat, and remove idle… Continue reading Lunchtime II


Fuck, yea! Some time in early 7th grade, I decided to start swearing. Other kids did it, and I didn’t want to be left behind as some goody goody teacher’s son. After having experienced some of those asinine teachers, you’d swear too, trust me. But as usual, I didn’t use words the old man used.… Continue reading Swearing

Not good enough aka I love Paul Weller and Pete Townshend

“I offered up my innocence, got repaid with scorn.” It took years of accelerating past 7th grade to frame existential questions, most notably why wasn’t I good enough? I had never been looked down on before, just for breathing. Girls giggling in the hall, glancing your way so you knew what the subject was about.… Continue reading Not good enough aka I love Paul Weller and Pete Townshend