So it Begins!

We’re taking the plunge…. And so began our ‘daring’ affair. Every week except one, we were together once or twice. The thrill of being in each other’s arms while the school went about its normal day was an aphrodisiac. The risk of being caught added fuel. The intensity smoothed into casual lingering affection. One of… Continue reading So it Begins!

More ‘rules’

As we’re gathering up our stuff, Allie starts chattering. “If you see me dressed in pants and flats, that means I’m not feeling very sexy or sociable. And we can’t do this Wednesdays, Mrs. Geibach is a bitch.” “Oh yea, agree with that.” “I’ll go first when I sit in front of you. The rest… Continue reading More ‘rules’

Friday II

First of Allie’s stories. “Were you afraid of the dark when you were a kid?”I ask. “Na………..well, I Guess a little. I Must’ve been around 3. Dunno where my parents were. I woke up from a nightmare or something and the darkness really spooked me. I started sobbing. Doug heard me and he comes in.… Continue reading Friday II


My insides are coiling as I go through classes, forcing myself to listen and take notes. Doodling in the paper margins, variations on the letter ‘A’. Study hall arrives after excruciating hours. I rise, get my library pass, busy myself with books, leaving when no else is. Glancing back, Alison is standing up to get… Continue reading Friday

‘Dear Abby’ a la Steve

Steve returns, I’m loving Tull “She might want to French Kiss, do you know what that is? My look must have said it all. He sighs, gotta teach the idiot more about life. “Girls love to talk. She’s gonna stop kissing and ask you about anything from your family to what TV shows you watch.… Continue reading ‘Dear Abby’ a la Steve

The Waiting

How the hell did I make it through the next days? My insides were knotted. Could anyone tell by looking at me? Luckily, one was a gym day, I had to concentrate on sweating, then scrubbing my pits in the shower. Alison and I don’t even make eye contact. After the home-bound bus, I sit… Continue reading The Waiting

God is a rock and roll Star!

A word from our sponsor: “The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.”–Hunter Thompson I’m in my confirmation class, where we sit around ‘rapping.’ [Oh God, how I detested that word, it… Continue reading God is a rock and roll Star!

Birds and the Bees

A time and place for everything! We sit in the floor. The binocs are so close. Oh man, just one more look……. “Not one word about this or I’ll tear your fucking tongue out.” Even though we’re drinking soda, he’s very serious. (He doesn’t say fuck that often). “So, how long has this been happening?… Continue reading Birds and the Bees