Why not use your kid to make you look like a big shot? I mentioned before about a smiling father as a “Warning–Will Robinson!” danger. Smiling father taking me aside to see if the Popsicle guy asked kids to sit in his truck. Um, no. The guy was always drowning in kids whenever he stopped.… Continue reading Strike One for Daddy
Author: 610rrandtr
Butchers Bakers and Pharmacists
Now THIS is nostalgia…. One thing daddy insisted on was red meat once or twice a week (like the king of beasts), which was due to being a dirt poor child. The corner store was not an option, his meat was overpriced and tough as horsehide (any missing cats in the neighborhood?). Grocery store meat… Continue reading Butchers Bakers and Pharmacists
Toys! (Part one)
From the useful to the Inane, a multi-part series… I think one of the funniest things you can do when you’re 60 is to look back at the inane, ridiculous toys you played with and wonder what kind of lunatic dreamed the crap up. I’m going to try to touch on some of the neat… Continue reading Toys! (Part one)
Where there’s woodlands, there’s…
Bats! At the end of my street, there was a hill that petered out to dirt trails. Both sides were flat. On the right, there was a huge patch of wild strawberries. Always sour. Kids always said, “I saw Mrs So and So walking her schnauzer through the patch.” Dare you to eat one. So… Continue reading Where there’s woodlands, there’s…
Hildy–My four legged fan
“No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as much as the dog does.” Our dog had to be put down when I was in third grade. But to my unbridled glee, neighbors down the street bought a light brown dachshund. Her name was Hildy. Because they had a corner house, their lawn… Continue reading Hildy–My four legged fan
Meet my Godfather–the man in my life.
In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel I alluded earlier to how my father met him–his empty office, few patients…..so they played stud poker to pass the time. His picture is on my gallery page. He was perpetually tan, unremarkable in some ways (he had a thick ‘Pennsylvania… Continue reading Meet my Godfather–the man in my life.
“Kid, you got shit in your blood.” Dad’s medical assessment of his son. From first to fifth grade, I was usually sick around 2 weeks a year. Once in December, and once in February. I was prone to bad colds/flu. Very sore ears, sore throat, clogged nose, hacking and coughing. I went to bed with… Continue reading Sick!
Hey you! Thanks!
I’ve been at this a while now and I have to say my numbers have increased, which is pretty fantastic. It’s heartening to know my little off kilter childhood long ago in a galaxy far far away (well, they say the past IS a foreign country) interests folks. Dunno if you’re younger, curious about the… Continue reading Hey you! Thanks!
Sex Education (kinda) on the lawn
Is that—-No ! It can’t be! If you’ve been reading along, I mentioned the girl thrown out of her house. I think that happened around fourth grade. Now–close your eyes and imagine this: you’re riding your bike down the street, in your own little juvenile world and you see colored things that look like rags… Continue reading Sex Education (kinda) on the lawn
The diabolic Genius of 1960’s Disney
Even then, they didn’t ride the wave, they MADE the wave. Remember I mentioned how JFK’s death was in our protoplasm? After 11/63, every child seemed to require Disney in order to breathe and brush their teeth. First, as always the movies: The Lady and The Tramp, 101 Dalmations, Sword and the Stone, Jungle Book,… Continue reading The diabolic Genius of 1960’s Disney