Toys! (Part two)

Let’s call this mess “Lessons in tactile sensations” So you ask: ‘WTF does that 50-cent word have to do with anything?’ Well, companies seemed to delight in making crap that had no use but to be handled. case in point: Silly Putty” The flesh-colored goo had the consistency of tacky caulk, or semi-hard Tootsie Rolls.… Continue reading Toys! (Part two)

The Radio that saved my ass

And other body parts, too…….. As time passed, mom started buying daddy birthday/Xmas presents like gadgets and oddball tools. He never said word one about what he wanted (other than a new son, I suppose), so she just took the old ‘throw enough shit against the wall, something will stick’ tactic. Maybe third or fourth… Continue reading The Radio that saved my ass

Fifth Grade!

When they said pull down, I threw up What a day that was. We walked into a newly-built classroom, a new library four times the size of the other one, and our first male teacher. He seemed as tall as Zeus. Head as shiny as a new penny……….or, as shiny as my head now. The… Continue reading Fifth Grade!


“Hanging out shirts in the dirty breeze” Oh sure, you see movies about the old West and women are hanging out wash, but it wasn’t that long ago that everyone did it, all over America. Our houses all came with a wash line–and I mean every one. It was a must-have. Not having one was… Continue reading Washlines

Strike One for Daddy

Why not use your kid to make you look like a big shot? I mentioned before about a smiling father as a “Warning–Will Robinson!” danger. Smiling father taking me aside to see if the Popsicle guy asked kids to sit in his truck. Um, no. The guy was always drowning in kids whenever he stopped.… Continue reading Strike One for Daddy